12th Album


kita kouhei 12th Full Album “Beautiful Strange” Digest – AmbientMusic, DroneAmbient, Electronica, ExperimentalMusic, MinimalMusic –




“Ambient music depicting a mysterious story with a science fiction theme”

Kita Kouhei’s 12th album. A slightly mysterious story with a science fiction theme is expressed using ambient music. From distant planets, strange worlds, parallel worlds, the vast flow of time, and universal beauty. Layered with ArrayMbira, which plays his trademark water-like tone, various original glass instruments, a comically cute kalimba, analog synths with a cloudy texture, old tape noise, and field recordings such as bird calls and cat calls.

各種サブスクリプション -Streaming♪
kita kouhei 12th Album “Beautiful Strange”→

ご購入(ダウンロード)ページ -Click here to purchase♪
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► 北 航平_kita kouhei 12th Ful Album『Beautiful Strange』


01_The Former Planet_かつての惑星
02_Drifted Ashore_漂着
03_Turquoise Green Hill_白緑の丘
04_Light Mauve Land_浅紫の大地
05_Bottom of Dreams_ゆめの底
06_Vegetal Strange_植物的で不可思議な
07_The Cat and Its Star_猫と彼の星
08_The Inner Sea_内なる海
09_Reunion 5 Billion Years Later_50億年後の再会
10_But Beautiful_それでも美しい

北 航平 – 作曲 / 編曲 / 打楽器全般 / アレイムビラ / カリンバ  / ピアノ / アナログシンセ / ガラス楽器
環境音 / プログラミング / レコーディング / ミキシング / マスタリング / アートワーク

– クレジット –

all songs written, composed, performed, mixed, mastered, artwork designed and produced by kita kouhei
recorded at studio guzli, kyoto, japan 2024

except :
cat calls and purring sounds (track 7, 10) by cello the cat

released by neuf