kita kouhei & mamiko hirai Collaboration Album “hikari no kaikou” Digest – Ambient , Drone , Experimental Music , Electronic –
本作は、2023年9月、京都のギャラリー ONE AND ONLYにて開催の、ガラス作家オカベマキコの展覧会「ひかりを奏でる – okabe makiko special exhibition -」の為に書き下ろされた会場音楽を、一枚のアルバムにまとめている。
そして、フォークシンガーの森山直太朗がスペシャルゲストとしてM9「安住の闇(feat. Naotaro Moriyama)」に参加。個性的かつ圧倒的な表現力により本作品に更なる深みを与えている。
“A quiet ambient world that makes you feel light and shadow”
A collaboration work by Kita Kouhei, a ambient musician and ArrayMbira player, and Mamiko Hirai, a musician and pianist, depicting a tranquil and fantastic ambient world where you can feel the light and shadow. This work is the venue music written for the exhibition “Hikari wo Kanaderu – okabe makiko special exhibition -” held at Gallery ONE AND ONLY in Kyoto in September 2023. Collected in one album. Kita kouhei’s trademark ArrayMbira, which plays sounds like water, irregular kalimba, numerous percussion instruments that draw space, analog synths with cloudy textures, old tape noises and glitch sounds. Mamiko Hirai’s free, beautiful, and bold improvisational piano sounds, harmonica that makes you feel the breath of life. In addition, field recordings of the sound of rubbing the glass works of this exhibition are comfortably layered, creating a unique soundscape that makes you feel light and shadow. And Naotaro Moriyama, the most famous folk singer in Japan, will participate in M9 “Ajyu no Yami (feat. Naotaro Moriyama)” as a special guest. The unique and overwhelming power of expression adds further depth to this work.
各種サブスクリプション -Streaming♪
kita kouhei & mamiko hirai Collaboration Album “ひかりの邂逅”→
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► 北航平_kita kouhei & 平井真美子_mamiko hirai Collaboration Album “ひかりの邂逅”

01_響明, Pt. 1
07_響明, Pt. 2
08_しゃぼんの眺め (feat. 高山奈帆子)
09_安住の闇 (feat. Naotaro Moriyama)
12_あかりを灯せば (feat. 高山奈帆子)
平井真美子 – 作曲 / ピアノ / ハーモニカ / 音叉 / ガラス
– クレジット –
all songs composed and produced by kita kouhei & mamiko hirai
arranged, mixed and mastered by kita kouhei
recorded at studio guzli, kyoto, japan 2023
array mbira, kalimba, analog synthesizer, glass, environmental sound, drums and all percussions by kita kouhei
piano, harmonica, glass and tuning fork by mamiko hirai
except :
chorus, voice (track 8, 12) by takayama naoko
chorus, voice, guitar (track 9) by naotaro moriyama
inspired by okabe makiko
all songs titled by takayama naoko
photography by kumiko kawai
artwork designed by kita kouhei
special thanks to ONE AND ONLY
released by neuf